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Rebecca Winnick

Licensed Massage Therapist


Rebecca works with you and your body to discover relaxed and joyful movement and posture. She works together with the body’s natural capacity for self-healing, using techniques such as deep-tissue massage, myofascial unwinding, trigger point release, neomuscular (NMT), pregnancy, and lymphatic drainage massage (MLD). 


A mixture of deep (or gentle) massage and occasional myofascial unwinding helps release tensions in the body. These tensions may be a body’s reaction to physical or emotional stress or pain. Examples include long-term whiplash or frozen shoulder. 


Rebecca is a level 1 & 3 certified practitioner in the Vodder method of MLD. Among other things, MLD can be used to treat acne, edema, swelling, sprains, sinus pressure, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, peripheral neuropathy, and to help prepare for or recover from surgeries. 


Rebecca is a graduate of Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage, and is currently a student of advanced techniques at Integrative Bodywork Education in Seattle (taught by Michael Hamm). In her spare time she can be found doing yoga, dancing or playing the fiddle! 

Rebecca Winnick
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